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Human Rights, Justice, Advocacy and Clean Energy

The Drug War in the Andes: A Curriculum

Feb 22, 2007

Click here to download The Drug War in the Andes Curriculum

The Drug War in the Andes seeks to introduce highschool students to many of the key issues affecting US international drug policy. The immediacy of the “War on Drugs” in students’ lives makes it an excellent topic for educating about international policy issues. Learning about how the drug war is fought in two of the Andean countries where most of the United States “source country” efforts are focused, students have the opportunity to gain an understanding of how US foreign policy functions, how it affects the lives of individuals and governments of less powerful countries and how these link to their own lives at home. The curriculum focuses on Colombia and Bolivia as two principal source countries but much of what is written here is applicable as well to Peru.

A central goal of this curriculum is teaching the concept that there are competing interests and needs in the formation of all policies. By exploring and representing different perspectives, students gain a deeper understanding of what these interests are and of the values that underlie each of them. The background reading is designed to prepare students to grapple with each of these perspectives and be able to adequately represent them to their classmates. The curriculum also assists students in thinking critically about policy options and in presenting a coherent argument to support their position either for or against current policy.

The curriculum can be used by social studies teachers focusing on global studies or criminal justice issues, as well as health teachers. Materials in Spanish are included in the curriculum making it applicable for use in Spanish language classes as well.


I. Note to Teachers
Why Study the “War on Drugs?”…………………………..…..3
Integrating the Curriculum into
the New York State Classroom………………………  …….4
Structuring the Curriculum …………………………….……..7
Making the Curriculum Work in your Classroom……….……8

II. The Curriculum
Day 1: What we know about drug policies…………………13
Day 2: Introduction to the Andes and U.S. Policy………….18
Day 3: Prepare for Debate………………………………….24
Day 4: Debate Andean Drug Policy………..………….….26
Day 5: Continue Debate and Conclusions………….…….28

III. Materials Packet
Drug War in the U.S. Information .………………….……..35
Background on Colombia and Bolivia…………………. …41
Background Reading on the Drug War……………..…….65
Preparing for Debate…………….…………………..…..…83
Drug War Timeline………………………………….………..86
Internet Sources……………………………………..………94
Documents in Spanish……………………………….….….95

IV. Group Information Packets

U.S. Government……………………………….……….…102
Human Rights Organizations…………………………..…109
Coca Growers……………………………………..…….. 120
Governments of Colombia and Bolivia……………….…..125
Drug Treatment and Prevention providers……………….133

Linda Farthing, March 2006