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Human Rights, Justice, Advocacy and Clean Energy

Month: January 2018

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  • Trata de Personas y la Libertad de Conciencia en Bolivia

Trata de Personas y la Libertad de Conciencia en Bolivia

La desinformación y los rumores sobre el ahora revocado Código Penal del Sistema Boliviano alimentaron críticas y temores infundados. El artículo 88 criminaliza la trata de personas pero de ninguna…

Religious Freedom and Human Trafficking in Bolivia

Misinformation and rumors about the now revoked Bolivian Penal System Code fueled unwarranted critiques and fear. Article 88 criminalized human trafficking and in no way limited religious freedom. An important…

The Coca-Cocaine Economy, the US ‘War on Drugs’ and Bolivia’s Democratic Transition (1982-1993)

AIN Visiting Scholar Allan Gillies explores the history of U.S and Bolivian clashing perspectives on the Drug War. The last remaining DEA agents left Bolivia in January 2009, bringing to…