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Human Rights, Justice, Advocacy and Clean Energy

Month: August 2020

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  • The autonomy of the IACHR must be protected

The autonomy of the IACHR must be protected

The OAS must protect the autonomy of the IACHR by renewing the contract of its Executive Secretary, in accordance with current institutional frameworks. CELS unites with more than 180 human…

Former Halifax resident facing terrorism, sedition charges in Bolivia

Family of Juan Tellez calling on Canadian government to intervene in his case. Emma Smith · CBC News · Posted: Aug 25, 2020 The family of a former Halifax resident who…

Bolivia: UN Human Rights Chief urges structural changes to prevent crises. The UN Human Right Office published a report detailing the serious human rights violations committed between 20 October.

GENEVA (24 August 2020) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet has welcomed the recent agreement in Bolivia paving the way for general elections to proceed on 18…

Bolivia: Bachelet insta a realizar cambios estructurales ante crisis. Informe sobre la situación de DDHH con posterioridad a las Elecciones del 20 de octubre de 2019

GINEBRA (agosto 24 de 2020)- La Alta Comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos Michelle Bachelet ha acogido con beneplácito el reciente acuerdo alcanzado en Bolivia que allana el…