Amnesty International News Flash: Bolivia: Chilling attack on radio journalist
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL NEWSFLASH 30 October 2012 Bolivia: Chilling attack on radio journalist A radio journalist in southern Bolivia is said to be in critical condition after several masked men broke…
Colquiri Conflict Continues
In late May 2012, conflict erupted in Colquiri, a mining district about 350km south of La Paz. Salaried and cooperative miners who work in different areas of the same mine…
Washington in Wonderland: U.S. Slams Bolivian Drug Control Efforts Lauded by UN
AIN-WOLA Joint Commentary By Kathryn Ledebur, Director of the Andean Information Network and Coletta A. Youngers, Senior Fellow, Washington Office on Latin America Literary critics cite Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland…
2012 White House Presidential Determination: Memorandum of Justification for Major Illicit Drug Transit or Illicit Drug Producing Countries for FY 2013
Link to pdf of the 2012 White House Presidential Determination 2012-15