Drug Control in Bolivia
The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and the Andean Information Network (AIN) are pleased to share with you the latest in a series of memos on drug control policy…
Morales Ratifies Recall Referendum
“No” votes will need to be below the following percentages for them to remain in office: President and Vice President: 53.74% Prefects: La Paz 37.988%Chuquisaca (Sucre) 42.306% (although this is…
Illegal Autonomy Referendum Deepens Division in Bolivia
National Electoral Court brakes race for referendums In February 2008, lowland departmental leaders and the Morales administration began a breakneck race to block each others’ initiatives to convoke referendums As…
Bolivia’s Gas Nationalization: Opportunities and Challenges (4)
Public Participation, Transparency, and Accountability Under Bolivia’s 1994 Popular Participation Law, Bolivian citizens are able to participate in decision-making regarding public funds, including oil and gas revenues, at the municipal…