• Sun. Mar 9th, 2025


Human Rights, Justice, Advocacy and Clean Energy

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  • Bolivia’s Gas Nationalization: Opportunity and Challenges

Bolivia’s Gas Nationalization: Opportunity and Challenges

The four memos in this series on Bolivian oil and gas policy and the challenges facing the nation is part of an ongoing project of the Andean Information Network and…

On Community Justice

Though the report refers anecdotally to punishments of adulterers and others accused of violating local norms, the cases which it actually documents are all instances of lynching, in which an…

Bolivia’s Gas Nationalization: Opportunity and Challenges (3)

National Level At the national level, the government spends oil and gas revenues on a program called the Juancito Pinto Stipend that gives about $25 a year to the families…

Bolivian Constitutional Assembly Approves Text, Referendums Pending

The mainstream U.S. press continues to glaringly misrepresent the focus of the Constitutional Assembly, and exclusively blames the Morales administration for conflicts in which all sides have demonstrated unwillingness to…