• Mon. Feb 24th, 2025


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Bolivia, Brazil and US Postpone Signing of Coca Monitoring Accords

On November 17, Bolivia, Brazil and the United States planned to ratify agreements on a trilateral coca monitoring effort. Officials delayed signing the accord until Friday, and then postponed it…

Bolivia-Brazil-U.S. Trilateral Coca Monitoring Agreement Duplicates Existing Efforts and Could Cause Further Conflict

Although the Morales administration has insisted for the past two years that a new bilateral framework agreement precede any other accord with the United States, some sectors of the government…

Reduced U.S. Funding to Bolivia Reflects Diminishing Influence and Complex Dynamics

The U.S. government historically exercised significant political influence through conditioned funding for Bolivia. However, the U.S. budget for Bolivia should shrink substantially in 2012, further limiting an already diminished presence.…

AIN – WOLA Joint Press Release: The U.S. Can Still Correct its Position on Bolivia’s UN Coca Chewing Amendment

PRESS RELEASE January 28, 2011 The U.S. Can Still Correct its Position on Bolivia’s UN Coca Chewing Amendment Civil Society Letter to Secretary of State Clinton Requests that U.S. Government…