Bolivian Quinoa Questions: Production and Food Security
In January and March 2011, several English-language press outlets ran stories on quinoa production in Bolivia. National Public Radio and the Associated Press reported on quinoa as a development project,…
Bolivian Jurisdictional Law: A Step in the Right Direction, but Requires Further Clarification
On December 29, the Bolivian legislative assembly passed the “Jurisdictional Law,”(Law 73) which recognizes indigenous, first nations’ and campesino judicial authorities, and establishes the jurisdiction of these tribunals versus the…
Bolivian Police Scandal Resurrects Mistrust of U.S. Agencies and Threats to Expel USAID
On March 17, MAS party legislators announced that they would make a formal request to remove USAID from Bolivian territory. “We, the legislative party leaders have decided that USAID should…
Ongoing, Unresolved Issues Likely to Perpetuate Tension in Bolivia
A combination of widespread drought, followed by intense flooding in some regions; accusations of commodities speculation; alleged smuggling operations sending large amounts of contraband Bolivian goods to neighboring nations; worldwide…